Review Process


1. All articles submitted to the journal undergo a rigorous editorial review and double-blind peer review process. Each manuscript is evaluated by at least two subject experts, selected based on their expertise and relevance to the manuscript's topic. Reviewers provide objective feedback on the quality of content, literature review, research methodology, discussion, arguments, and conclusion. This multi-reviewer approach ensures a comprehensive evaluation of manuscripts from diverse perspectives and enhances the quality and validity of published research.

2. All manuscripts are reviewed fairly based on the intellectual content of the paper, regardless of the author's gender, race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, political views, age, disability, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status.

3. Any observed conflict of interest during the review process must be promptly communicated to the Editor. Reviewers are expected to disclose any potential conflicts of interest and, if necessary, recuse themselves from reviewing manuscripts where a conflict exists.

4. All information about the manuscript, including reviewer comments and editorial decisions, is kept confidential. Reviewers remain anonymous to the authors, and any communication regarding the manuscript is conducted through the Editor to maintain confidentiality and fairness in the review process.

We disclose the review parameters here to help authors understand the review process and its efficiency.

Editorial Flow of a Manuscript

Each manuscript goes through the following stages from submission to final publication:

  1. Internal Editorial Review: In the first step, a section editor evaluates the manuscript based on (i) suitability with the journal’s focus and scope and (ii) manuscript structure as outlined in the author guidelines.
  2. External Peer Review: The manuscript accepted in step 1 is sent to at least two subject experts for comments and suggestions according to the review parameters and policies mentioned above.
  3. Revisions and Advice to Authors: The manuscript accepted in step 2 will receive (i) language correction advice, (ii) a peer-reviewed article file, (iii) a Turnitin report (if applicable), (iv) a journal template, and (v) editorial advice.
  4. Final Acceptance: After receiving the revised manuscript, the editor will evaluate the revised version, make the final decision, and communicate with the author. Authors may be asked to revise further if necessary to meet the journal’s quality standards.
  5. Final Proofreading: In the final publication stage, the author will receive a blueprint of the final galley for proofreading. After this, the manuscript will be published, and authors will be informed via email.
  6. Post-Publication: After publication, manuscripts are open to post-publication peer review and ongoing feedback from the scholarly community. Authors are encouraged to engage with readers' comments and provide clarifications or updates as needed to ensure the accuracy and relevance of published content.